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Getting the most from your Veterinary Health Plan (VHP)

Getting the most from your Veterinary Health Plan (VHP)

Preventative healthcare is one of the biggest priorities for our team and we work closely with our clients to ensure that they have effectiv...

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Game Bird Health Check

Game Bird Health Check

Now that the shooting season has come to an end, rearing sites begin their site preparations and game farms turn their attention to the bree...

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Vaccinating of laying stock

Vaccinating of laying stock

Vaccines are widely used to control the spread of infectious diseases and form an important role in the management of your birds’ health. ...

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Blood testing service

Blood testing service

Testing adult birds that are caught up helps to identify any infectious diseases that the birds may have been exposed to – before they are...

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Christmas and New Year Opening / Delivery Times 2024

Christmas and New Year Opening / Delivery Times 2024

Dispensary Christmas and New Year Deliveries To guarantee delivery before Christmas and New Year please place vaccine orders by 12pm on...

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Heat Stress in Game Birds: Prevention, signs and products

Heat Stress in Game Birds: Prevention, signs and products

Minimising the impact of heat stress  At this time of year, high temperatures can be a cause for concern when trying to keep birds cool in...

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Christmas and New Year opening/delivery times

Christmas and New Year opening/delivery times

Our opening times for Head Office and Dispensary are as follows:   Christmas Day: Closed Boxing Day: Closed Wednesday 27th: Open 8.30...

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Updates on the ground and AI in France

Updates on the ground and AI in France

June Vet’s Diary with Dr Kenny Stokes-Nutting BVetMed MRCVS On the ground, we are monitoring chick quality closely at the moment and desp...

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Vaccinations, blood tests and lighting up

Vaccinations, blood tests and lighting up

January Vet's Diary with Sean Wisdom, BVSc MRCVS FIRST and foremost, I’d like to wish you all a very Happy New Year from the St David’s...

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“How can I reduce the risk of Avian Influenza?”

“How can I reduce the risk of Avian Influenza?”

November Vet’s Diary with Sam Morgan BSc MVDr MRCVS The question us vets are most frequently being asked at the moment, in light of the A...

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