23 March 2021
Matthew Balfour BVM&S MRCVS With Covid-19 restrictions causing a premature end to the 2020-21 shooting season, preparations for the upc...
29 January 2021
What are the benefits of having a vaccine programme and why is it so important for game bird health? Ben South BVetMed MRCVS There has bee...
13 January 2020
Kenny Nutting BVetMed MRCVS The dawn of shoot expansions has brought with it a high demand for poults across the country. The industry i...
07 November 2019
Kenny Nutting BVetMed MRCVSMany shoots I visit are counting down the days until the frosts arrive and birds flock home for their feed and sh...
20 September 2019
As a veterinary practice, we are constantly looking at new ways of expanding our knowledge, investing in the industry and helping our client...
18 January 2019
Winter 2018 has brought many anxious moments and this continues into 2019 with the unsettled “Brexit” vote still to be made. This is sen...
28 November 2018
Time to take a stand against Mycoplasma Dr Ben South MRCVS Shoots across the country are now at their busiest and at this time of year we...
04 December 2017
We have had some recent cases of swollen head issues on shoots and have started our investigations again. This is the time of the year when ...